Wrist Roller - Basic

Recommendations: 1-3 Sets, 0 Reps, 80-90 Wght

Beginner Forearms Strength Wrist Roller Pull Gym

Purpose: This exercise strengthens the muscles that flex and extend the wrist.

Benefits: This exercise focuses on both the wrist flexors and extensors with the forearms pronated.

Stand upright with your feet flat on the floor about shoulder-width apart. Your knees should be slightly bent. Grasp the ends of the wrist roller in each hand, your arms are held straight out in front of you, with the weight hanging. This is your starting position. Slowly roll the rope around the roller by rotating one wrist at a time in a upward motion. Breathe normally. Slowly lower the weight to the starting position by rotating the wrists downward one wrist at a time. Breathe normally. Repeat for the required number of repetitions.

A complete forearm program must achieve balanced development for all major forearm muscles. The forearm is involved in six different forearm movements. They include wrist flexion, wrist extension, wrist abduction, wrist adduction, forearm pronation, and forearm supination. There are additional muscles found in the forearm that are involved in movements like elbow flexion (brachioradialis), finger flexion, and finger extension.

Step 1

Stand upright, knees slightly bent, feet shoulder-width apart. Hold a roller in both hands, arms straight and parallel to the floor, weight hanging.


Stand upright with your feet flat on the floor about shoulder-width apart. Your knees should be slightly bent. Grasp the ends of the wrist roller in each hand, your arms are held straight out in front of you, with the weight hanging. This is your starting position.

Step 2

Slowly roll the rope around the roller by rotating one wrist at a time in a upward motion.


Slowly roll the rope around the roller by rotating one wrist at a time in a upward motion. Breathe normally.

Step 3

Slowly lower the weight to the starting position by rotating the wrists downward one wrist at a time.


Slowly lower the weight to the starting position by rotating the wrists downward one wrist at a time. Breathe normally.